Wednesday, August 31, 2016
A Report of Training Course on Primary Maths teachers
A Four Days Training Course for the primary schools
mathematics teachers
Bashir ahmed
(training facilitator)
schools are functioning in a rapid changing world. This changing scenario
demands a continuous improvement of the schools in nurturing the students to
pace with the global demands as well as to face local challenges. In the
process of school improvement, the capacity building of teachers is viewed
highly substantial in change process.
address the emerging educational needs of teachers various content and
innovative pedagogy courses are offered to transform their pedagogical skills. Primary
Mathematics competency course is one of the approaches which is considered more
relevant to the schools. It focuses the effective teaching strategies used in
mathematics classroom by providing creative activities. Competency course is also the process by which
teachers learn more effective and efficient ways of teaching and learning.
It is also one of essential process
of enhancing teachers’ capacity to meeting the need of new global community. This
process ultimately improves the teaching and learning process and as a result
students learning outcomes are improved.
in view the changing roles and emerging needs of the school teachers, primary
mathematics competency course was designed and developed for mathematics
teachers with ultimate aim to improve the schools and students’ learning
In this regard, MIED Islamabad and MH Pakistan has successfully
developed and implemented a primary mathematics competency course in Muslim
Hands Educational Complex Wazirabad. The training process was divided into
three phases. In the first phase, the needs of the teachers were identified for
the training course. In the second phase, training manuals were developed
according to the identified needs. In the third phase, the course participants
were involved in different activities to strengthen their pedagogical content
knowledge and skills. The
duration of the course was four days. Face-to-face sessions were enacted from 9:00am to 4:00pm including breaks. In each face-to-face session, the
CPs were engaged in learning certain concepts, notions, approaches and skills
by using different teaching strategies.
The main
characteristics of the course can be summarized as follows:
The courses
focuses on effective teaching strategies used in mathematics classroom and
develop teachers with certain skills of these strategies as they are expected
to work as change agents.
The course
focused on hand-on activities for teaching mathematics therefore, CPs were
given opportunities to develop and present various activities related to their
area of interest.
The CPs were
encouraged to be reflective and critical thinkers to analyze their current
practices and need of the students.
and collegiality among the CPs was highly appreciated to learn from each other
and take collective effort to respond their challenges.
This report discusses aims and objectives of
the course. It also highlights the proposed themes, teaching strategies,
implementation plan and monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the course. It
follows outcomes of the course, challenges, recommendation and conclusion of the
report are also part of this paper.
overall aim of this course was to nurture the capacity of twenty five primary school
mathematics teachers who play their active role in transforming their traditional
teaching methods/strategies into effective and innovative teaching
methods/strategies used in mathematics classroom.
Objectives of the Training Course
- Orient course participants with key
teaching strategies used in a mathematics classroom.
- Engage participants in mathematical
problems solving to get hands-on experience of these teaching strategies.
- Enrich teachers’ existing knowledge
and skills of teaching mathematics by retrofitting interactive and fun-loving teaching techniques;
- To explore and reconstruct
teachers’ beliefs and perceptions of teaching and learning mathematics;
- To provide teachers with an
opportunity to share their experiences of teaching mathematics in order to
improve their competency in content knowledge and pedagogy;
- To improve teachers’ mathematical
discourses and concepts in the selected themes by using symbolic,
pictorial and descriptive representations;
- To enrich the concepts of mathematics
by practical examples for in-depth understanding; and
- To renovate teachers’ competency in
developing brief and precise learning activities.
course was designed to meet the needs of the teachers of the selected Muslim
Hands Schools. Various themes were decided according to the findings in the
need analysis and reconnaissance reports. Contextual realities, needs,
interests, and experiences of both students and teachers were kept in view.
traditional teacher training program, special emphasis was given on
andragogical perspective of the CPs where course participants were given a
chance to re-conceptualize the different notions (of education, teaching and
learning) through enhanced socialization, by valuing their past experiences,
need of the future, focusing on the challenges and viewing them as self
directed learner.
that, social, gender, and religious sensitivities were kept in mind during the
implementation of the planning.
themes were covered during the course. The core themes of the course is given
briefly as under
- Orientation to the concept of
mathematics and teaching of mathematics;
- Reflection on aims of teaching
mathematics with reference to our daily life;
- Revise and review the methods and
techniques of teaching mathematics;
- Effective teaching strategies used
in mathematics classroom; and
- Assessment forms used in
the topics were covered through interesting teaching strategies, demonstration
of micro teaching and assessment procedure. Different approaches and strategies
were used to make a lesson more interactive, effective and provide CPs an
opportunity to actively participate in various activities. It was the core
feature of the course. Moreover, sharing of reflection was an essential part of
the course.
Participants were also made aware of the importance of child, friendly classroom
environment, modern teaching and learning strategies such as; child centered
learning, hands on and minds on activities, interactive based strategies,
experience based approaches, inquiry or discovery based strategies and effective
use of resources for teaching and learning were the other main features of the
the course, participants were given an opportunity to discuss, share and
evaluate their previous experiences of teaching and learning mathematics. The
facilitators facilitated the course participants through different cooperative
learning techniques and encouraged their discussions, group works, and
presentations of relevant activities from mathematics. Facilitator connected the
understanding of CPs with the relevant literature and examples from daily life.
Moreover, emphasis was placed on reflective practices of the teachers because
teachers are considered as change agent in the classroom in creating a learning
make the course interactive and effective different teaching strategies were
opted such as discussion, power point presentations, role plays, short
lectures, readings, brainstorming, pair work question and answer, individual
work, demonstration, problem solving, dialogue and videos. However, to make the
course more meaningful and to ensure the essence of participatory approach,
variety of strategies were used such as
Expose the participants to new teaching strategies,
Enhance content pedagogical knowledge of the teachers,
Transform teaching methods and strategies,
Ascertain student centered teaching and learning,
Develop the idea of using resources for classroom teaching and learning.
evaluation is viewed very significant in the success of any course. Keeping in
view the importance of monitoring and evaluation different strategies were
employed to evaluate the learning of the course participants and effectiveness
of the course. In regard, following strategies were used
Daily reflection
of the CPs
evaluation forms by CPs at the end of the course
CPs’ task
completion during face-to-face session
participation and involvement of CPs
Daily attendance
of the CPs
training course provided unique opportunities for the course participants to
learn the experiences of teaching mathematics with each other. Similarly, it
also provided multiple opportunities to explore new teaching strategies used in
mathematics classroom. The key outcomes of the course are as under
course facilitator encouraged CPs to participate classroom discussions. The
discussion strategy helped CPs to clarify their misconceptions regarding
teaching mathematics. Various themes, topics and field experiences were
discussed to understand the notions of teaching mathematics. This strategy
helped CPs to find solutions of various field challenges. The training
facilitator ensures the participation of all the CPs in group discussion. It
was observed that the confidence level of CPs also enhanced during their
participation in discussion. As a result the teachers’ knowledge is enhanced
regarding teaching of mathematics. Some of the comments of CPs are as under
- The course participants highly
appreciated the methods of teaching used during the course. One of the CPs
shared that “before this course I was illiterate regarding teaching
mathematics. This course helped me to know about some of the teaching
methods and strategies used in mathematics classroom”.
- Another CP
highlighted the learning environment created by the course facilitator.
She shared that “Trainer was very friendly; he used effective activities
during the training and told us the process of various teaching strategies
used in mathematics classroom in a friendly manner”. “We like trainer’s
positive and friendly attitude, he spoke in soft voices which encouraged
us to share our ideas and issues openly with them. This strategy helped us
to know something about teaching mathematics.”
above reflections show that some of the CPs were not oriented with the teaching
methods and techniques of mathematics before this course. The orientation and
involvement of CPs in various activities helped them to enhance their pedagogical
content knowledge.
the course the CPs were involved in different activities which helped them to
develop various skills. The training course focused on to develop various
pedagogy skills among the CPs therefore; activities were designed in such a way
that skills would be developed. In the training session, the CPs were given
maximum opportunities to develop activities related to their subject area. It
was observed that CPs were able to develop some of the hand-on activities
during the course. Similarly, during
the course, CPs were exposed to a variety of teaching strategies and methods.
By involving in co-operative learning process, the CPs demonstrated their
pedagogical skills through working on various activities. Some of the
reflections of CPs are as under
I was unaware about the importance of teaching
strategies used in mathematics classroom. Now I came to know that the
importance of teaching strategies and its effective usage in classroom. I can
confidently say that I can use some the strategies in my mathematics classroom.
I never learned that
mathematics is taught in different ways. In my academic experiences, I was
taught with a single method, this is first time that I am introduced with different
teaching strategies used in mathematics classroom. Now I can confidently say
that I can teach better than from my previous experiences
One of the course
participant shared that “I used chalk and board method for teaching mathematics
but now I realized that it is traditional method. I learned how to develop
activities for teaching mathematics I will use activities for teaching
above reflections clearly describes that the CPs are developed with various
pedagogical skills and they are eager to use their learned skills in their
was observed that the CPs traditional dispositions and discourses are
transformed into innovative and modern ways of teaching and learning. In an
informal discussion with the CPs it was observed that CPs were critically
reflected on their previous practices and experiences of teaching mathematics. The
training course provided an opportunity to reflect on their previous practices
and prepare themselves as champion of change. Some of the CPs shared their
reflection as
- “Through playing games and teaching
through various activities in teaching mathematics, I though it is wastage
of time but I came to know that how important they are in teaching
- Before the training, it was common
reflection of the CPs that they have a lot of task to do in the school.
They do not have enough time to develop such activities for their
classroom teaching. However, after the training course they realized that
how important they are for effective teaching and learning. The CPs
promised that they will do their best to use their learned skills and
knowledge in teaching and learning of mathematics.
CPs got confidence
to share their learning with their colleagues which shows that how learning of
the course will be multiplied through course participate. One of the course
participants shared that “During the training, I learnt different ways of
creative activities which facilitate all the children in the class. I will
share these strategies with my school teachers to adapt such ways of developing
creative activities for their classroom.”
Participants were able to build their
oral and presentation skill during the course, when they got opportunity to come
forward and share their ideas. CPs shared her experience, “I learnt a lot in
this course, it gave me confidence to share my point in front of other
- The space
of the classroom was not appropriate; it was difficult to move in the
classroom easily. The seating arrangements was not so good, the size of
the chairs were very small and it was difficult to sit comfortably.
Therefore, many CPs also have highlighted this point in their reflections.
- The timing
of the course was too lengthy; it was difficult to capture the motivation
of CPs after lunch. Majority of the CPs also highlighted their concern
regarding timing of the course in their reflections.
- Some of the
training materials were not available on time as a result the
effectiveness of the course was not maintained.
- Different
course facilitators were involved in different phases of the training course.
Therefore, the course did not touch directly the needs of the course
- All the
course participants were not the teachers of primary schools therefore; it
was difficult to grasp their attention at a certain level.
- The
understanding level of course participants were different as some CPs had
good understanding of teaching mathematics while some CPs did not teach
- Few of the
CPs was observed dominating others while doing classroom discussion and
other activities.
- Classroom
environment plays an important role in students learning. Therefore, it is
important to arrange a classroom where CPs can easily perform their
activities in a conducive environment. Similarly, the seating arrangement
should be comfortable so that the CPs feel easy during their classroom
- The timing
for the course should be schedule in such a way that CPs should be active
all the time. However, external factors such as weather affect the
motivation level of the CPs. Create such an environment where the
influence of external factors should not affect the learning of the CPs.
- Resources
play a vital role in effective teaching and learning. All the important
and necessary material should be arranged before any training course so
that the process of training programme took place in smooth way.
- Understanding
and skills about the use of group work is required to be enhanced among
teachers by conducting more sessions to strengthen this strategy, make
school environment and support of their cooperative learning in schools.
- Follow up
visits should be part of this training course. This will ensure the
implementation of learnt skills by the teachers in the actual field of
classroom. Feedback should be provided in case of any challenge faced
during their field work.
- One day
refresher course is important after three months or after six months to
revise the concepts been taught and know about their achievements and challenges.
- As all the
phases of a course are integrated with each other. Therefore, same course
facilitators should be involved at all phases of training course. This
could help course facilitators to carry on the training process in a
better way.
- The CPs from
same school level (Primary/Secondary) should be involved to foster the learning
of CPs with equal pace. This will help them to share their field
experiences with each other which ultimately enhance their learning by
sharing their ideas.
course was run smoothly and course facilitator was able to create an
environment where teachers were able to re-conceptualize their previous
practices of teaching mathematics. Course participants were able to construct
new understanding about innovative and creative teaching methods and techniques
of mathematics.
The challenges faced will provide an
opportunity of more experience for the next training course. First of all
thanks Allah almighty who enables us to develop teachers professionally and
thanks to the teachers who extended their valuable time for the training with
their full zeal and zest. This has enabled us to celebrate a new milestone in
the journey teachers professional development. Secondly, I would like to thank Assistant
Manager Curriculum Development and Training of Muslim Hands and Principal
Muslim Hands School of Excellence Islamabad for their support, encouragement
and constructive timely feedback. Thirdly, I would like to extent my gratitude
to all the administration and supporting staff of Muslim Hands Educational
Complex Wazirabad for their care during our stay in Wazirabad. The arrangements
made for this training course were highly appreciable which made our life easy.
Thanks to every one that put his/her hand on it, without their support this
could not be possible.
Children learn what they live
If a child lives with
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with
He learns to be confident.
If a child lives with
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with
He learns justice.
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with
He learns to like himself/herself.
If a child lives with
acceptance and friendship,
He learns to find love in the world.
A Training Report on Gender in Education
is considered as socially constructed phenomena which shape the roles,
identities and positions for male and female in the society. Different factors
such as family, friends, media and schools are responsible for the perpetuating
gender norms in the society. Gender education starts with building
gender awareness. This means recognizing the negative impacts of gender
stereotypes and addressing the inequalities that arise from gender
discriminations.By reducing gender stereotypes, gender education assists
children in building a sincere civic equality where women and men live with mutual
respect.No one is valued less or more just because one is a girl or a boy.The
outcome of gender education for girls is greater self-confidence,
assertiveness, independence and engagement in the public sphere.The outcome for
boys is overcoming fear of failure, learning to be less aggressive, becoming
more sociable and involved in personal relationships and engaging more in the
private sphere.
important function of gender education is to distinguish between facts and
beliefs or opinions. Moreover it helps participantsto recognize that every
individual is complex and unique with a wide range of characteristics. The stereotypes
and rigid gender expectations can hinder development and the realizations of
the full potential of both girls and boys.Teachers have a unique role in the
lives of their students. Teachers can serve as role models and guide students
to reach their hopes and dreams. They can play a major role in imparting gender
education and ensuring that schools are engendered.
A step
towards making schools gender responsive, Educational Development and
Improvement Program (EDIP) had organized one week training course from June 11,
2012 to June 15, 2012 for the teachers of EDIP project schools. The purpose of
this training course was to develop teachers’ understanding about their role in
gender socialization in schools. The cohort consists 33 course participants, 13
were maleswhile 20 were females who attended the training course.
to demand of the project and need of the training, pre-test and post-test(see
annexure A) was conducted to gauge the worth of the training. Test materials
were prepared according to the themes toshare during the training course.
Almost all participants showed significant improvement in their understanding
level in post-test.
report includes objectives, themes, teaching and learning methods, analysis of
quantitative and qualitative assessment. The report also consists of
achievements, challenges, recommendations and conclusion of the training course.
of the Course
Objectives are the
intended outcomes of any training course. We expected that after the training,courseparticipants
will be able to:
the concept of gender
between gender and sex
understanding on gender equity and gender equality/gender division of labor
Describe how
gender enacts itself in a school context
Explain some of
the gender discriminations in schoolsand society
Discuss gender
and leadership/experiences of women leadership
Verify how
textbooks are gender biasness
Plan strategies
fordeveloping gendered free textbooks
Relate how gender
can be integrated in School Improvement framework
topics/themes were covered during the sessions. Weekly plan is also attached
with the report (See annexure B)
Notion of
gender/Difference between gender and sex
Gender identity
disparities in schools/society
Gender division
of labor
Gender equality
and gender equity
Gender and
leadership/Sharing experiences of women leadership
Approaches and
methods in creating gender awareness and advocacy
Gender biasness
textbook analysis
Role of
leadership in development
socialization/Child rights/social development of child
Teaching and Learning Methods
course facilitators used effective training and learning methods to share the
content of the training course. The bellow list shows some of the instructional
strategies used during the training course.
Reflection on
previous day’s learning
before starting new topic
Case-studies or
Games/Role plays
Group discussion
Guest speaker’s
presentations and questions/answers
Individual and
group presentations
Quantitative Analysis
assessed course participants before and after training to gauge the worth of
the training. The participants shared literature based, specific and relevant
information and definitions in post-test whereas, in the pre-test mostly course
participants left the questions without answers or their statements were too
general and ambiguous. The following table shows the level of agreements and
disagreements of the course participants from every session.
Descriptive Statistics
Number of Participants
Std. Deviation
is gender
and Leadership
experiences of women leadership
Socialization in schools
of leadership in Development
rights/social development of a child
Cumulative mean
1= Poor; 2= Fair; 3= Good; 4= Excellent; and 5= Outstanding
above table shows that majority of the course participants strongly agreed that
the training course was very useful and fruitful.Overall, the cumulative mean
(CM=3.61) reveals that majority of the course participants
found that the training course was excellent. This shows that the training
course has achieved its objectives at the end of the course.
Qualitative Assessment
used reflections and evaluation as tools for qualitative assessment. A course
participant’s reflection about the session is attached in the appendix.The
following lines show the description of their comments on significant learning
shared during their reflections and in evaluation forms.
their reflections, majority of the course participants mentioned that the
training course on gender in education was very effective and useful. More than
half of the course participants shared that before this training they thought
gender and sex are two terms with same meaning. They revealed that after the training
course they understood the difference between gender and sex. In the reflection
one of the CP cited that “gender is socially or culturally constructed phenomena
which shapes roles and responsibilities for male and female while sex is the
biological characteristics of male and female”.
Moreover, two of the course participants
shared in their reflections that they did not consider any gender
discriminations in schools and society. After attending the training course they
realized that gender discrimination is common in our society. They showed their
interests (promised) to play their role in minimizing the gender
discriminations in their society. Some of the course participants shared real
examples of gender issues from the society. This attitude shows that after the
training the course participants are sensitized regarding gender issues in the
society. They also promised that they will play their active role in giving
awareness to the parents.
The course participants mentioned that
the training on gender was very fruitful for his personal life. Before this
training, he was thinking that a female cannot go outside for their studies or
any productive work. He believed that the role of a female is only taking care
of children and their role is limited to domestic works. This training course opened
his mind that a female can go outside for productive work as well. Her role and
responsibility is not limited only inside the home. Our trainers and Dr. Moula
Dad Shafa, Head PDCN, also explained this concept with the reference of Islamic
point of view. He agreed that female have equal rights in education and other
related jobs with male.
the reflections, one of the course participants shared that an educated female
means an educated society. It is fact that an educated mother can better take
care of her children. As a result, the society could be well educated. He also
shared that the Islam also teaches us to educate every male and female. There
is not any discrimination in Islam regarding education, roles and
responsibilities. Male and female both can do productive and reproductive tasks
in society. Therefore, as a teacher, it is their role to convey the important
message to parents and civil society.
Overall, the CPs found the training
course highly productive and very useful but they felt the course duration and
time factors for activities were not sufficient.
All participants
agreed the importance and mainstreaming of gender in education.
Majority of the
course participants agreed and reflected gender discriminations and highlighted
gender issues in the society. They promised to play their active role in giving
awareness about gender disparities.
All of them came
with consensus that gender equality and gender equity is the need of the time
and as teachers they will perform their role in perpetuating the rights of male
and female.
They learnt terms
gender and sex and differentiated from literature and real life examples
They were able
to analyze the gendered biasness textbooks and recommended for gendered free
The course facilitators
faced some challenges during the training course. Some of the noteworthy
challenges were:
The concept of
gender was new for most of the course participants; therefore, it was difficult
to clear the basic concepts of gender due to shortage of time.
Variety in
participants’ learning abilities and understanding level was a challenge to
keep pace and level accordingly.
Some of the
participants did not show up on first day of training.
Despite prior
information the system did not allow the guest speaker to give sufficient time
for questions and answers session.
materials were mostly in English and it was not possible to translate them all
into Urdu within the short time available.
It was difficult
to cover the whole concepts of gender in one week so, there were some
misconceptions among course participants.
As there was
space issue for the training session therefore, the venue for the sessions was
changed every day.
The faculty members
were busy with different training programs; therefore there was shortage of
training team.
There should be
a needs assessment in schools before conducting any session on gender in
Some clips could
also be added on various gender stereotype and gender socialization which allow
course participants to discuss and reflect on their own practices and think of
implications of new learning.
We recommend
successive two weeks face-to-face sessions for more clarity of different
concepts and participants’ positive attitude towards gender roles and needs.
Such training
session should be conducted for parents because parents are also key
stakeholders of school improvement process.
A field visit
would be useful to understand how gender enacts in schools.
training course came to an end successfully and all the objectives were
achieved. The course participants considerably changed their perceptions,
perspectives of gender and commented that gender is an issue in the society and
should be addressed on time. One of the participants commented that before this
session he believed that there is not any gender issue in his society but after
attending this training course he realized that there are many gender issueseven
at his home as well as in the society. The course participants reflected that there
are many gender discriminations in theirsociety; females are not given equal
rights as men are given. They realized that gender mainstreaming is very
important to provide equal opportunities, roles and responsibilities to all men
and women. They also identified biasness in the textbooks and recommended to
develop gendered free textbooks. Finally, the course participants realized that
gender in education is very important concept therefore teachers should be
aware with gender roles and gender needs of the students. However, there is
always a room for improvement and hence I would like to see the duration of the
training program to increase for future courses. The training can be made more
effective by analyzing gender socialization process practically in a school
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