Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Important Questions to Write the Personal Vision Statement

Use these questions to guide your thoughts.
·         What are the ten things you most enjoy doing? Be honest. These are the ten things without which your weeks, months, and years would feel incomplete.

·         What three things must you do every single day to feel fulfilled in your work?

·         What are your five-six most important values?

·         Your life has a number of important facets or dimensions, all of which deserve some attention in your personal vision statement. Write one important goal for each of them: physical, spiritual, work or career, family, social relationships, financial security, mental improvement and attention, and fun.
·         If you never had to work another day in your life, how would you spend your time instead of working?
·         When your life is ending, what will you regret not doing, seeing, or achieving?
·         What strengths have other people commented on about you and your accomplishments? What strengths do you see in yourself?
·         What weaknesses have other people commented on about you and what do you believe are your weaknesses?

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