Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 I am reading a book titled "The art of being alone". This is an important book for those who live alone and feel loneliness. I am one of those who live alone and feeling loneliness. 
After reading this book I got some important insights that how to convert your loneliness into an opportunity. First of all we should not call it as loneliness rather we should call it solitude for living alone. Similarly, we have not ever thought about ourselves, about our strengths, our weaknesses and areas for improvement. 
After reading this book we can spend our time with ourselves, thinking about our strengths, about our weaknesses and about our areas of improvement. 
While living alone we are thinking about our loved one such as family members, children and friends. We are never thinking about ourselves. If we think about our loved one then we feel loneliness and we suffer in depressed, anxiety and problem of mental health. Rather we should think about it is a state of solitude and we are with ourselves. We should spend our time with ourselves about our strengths, our weaknesses and about our areas of improvement. We should live with our inner self and think about our health, our strengths and areas for improvement. It is not only thinking but also about taking actions after thinking about ourselves. In this way we can improve ourselves and also convert our feelings from loneliness to solitude. 

 Healthy habits at the age of 40 years 

I watched a video today and i learned five most important tips to improve or maintain good health after age of 40 years. 

1. Daily exercise 

It is important for every individual to do daily exercise from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This is very important in after 40 years of age. 

2. Drink plenty of water 

It is also important for human being that he or she should drink 8 to 10 glass water every day. We all know that human body is made of 70% of water. Therefore, we should drink as much water as we can. 

3. Eat healthy food

It is also important to eat healthy food such as fruits and vegetables after the age of 40 years. We should not use fats such as meat or oily food at the age of 40 years. 

4. Mental Well-Being

It is also important to keep in mind that we should care of our mental health. For this purpose we should be involved in fun loving games and leisure games. 

5. Regular Checkups 

This is an important tip for the human being that after the age of 40 that he or she should visit his or her doctor after six months. This is to take advise from the doctor.